The best time to order your Calendars

Calendars are simply the best year round marketing tool that you can have. They are both useful and also put your company front and center of your customers and clients, making sure that they see you everytime they use the product. And this is perfect for you, especially if you have included important information on your calendar, such as phone numbers or product information.

However, there is one thing to consider with this. You might not necessarily be the only company that your customer or client works with. For example maybe your client happens to be involved in the hospitality industry, perhaps owning a hotel. Within this industry they will have you, who will be there designer, in charge of their marketing material and visuals for the hotel. But they will also have a company that provides them with food and drink, a company that provides them with cutlery, glasses and plates, a company that provides them with uniforms for staff and a company that provides them with all of their linens, towels and bed clothes.

As you can see, within one business that you might be dealing with, they also have at least 4 or 5 other businesses and companies that they deal with. And while they won’t necessarily be competing with you, if at all, they will still have the same idea as you. They will want to make sure that their client keeps them in mind going into the New Year and continues to do business with them. They will want to make sure that they are in front of their client when they need to be. And the best way to do this? Calendars. Those other companies might very well have the same idea as you, using the same format to get what they want and need in front of their client the whole year round.

Now you might be thinking this isn’t that much of a big deal, as they don’t work in the same industry as you so why would it matter? Well it does matter, and the reason is this: They will want to get them sent out as soon as possible so that their client has their calendar. If you leave yours too late, it will end up at the bottom of the pile, meaning when the time comes to put it up, yours will be forgotten about, and in turn you might be forgotten about. Now, while this might not happen, especially if you have been working with your client for years, is it really a risk that you want to take?

In this regard, there is a best time to get your orders in for your Calendars. But before that, it is also good to know that while you want to be early, you don’t want to be too early, for example ordering in August and sending in September wouldn’t be a great idea. The reason here is the same thing is likely to happen. Your client will receive it, put it somewhere and more than likely forget about it, as that isn’t on their mind in those months. In regards to this, here at we have always found that the best time to order your calendars is early or middle of November. This way, it allows you time to receive them and sort them, depending on how many you are sending and what types you have ordered. As well as this, it means they are ready to be sent by you, either late November or early December, which we have found is perfect. It is the time of the year when your customers and clients will be beginning to think about the New Year, and the idea of needing to get their office stationery sorted for the coming year will be starting to enter their head.

Hopefully this article has helped you in decided when to both order your calendars and send them out to your clients, so that you are on time, and get the maximum marketing opportunities in 2019. With this in mind, here at we are always happy to help, and would be more than happy to help you with the printing of your calendars for next year. If you would like to avail of this, give us a call on 028 9002 2474 to discuss your options, or get us by email via our contact form.