Category Archives: Marketing Your Business

Marketing a new business

kaizen print

We work with new businesses daily and one thing remains constant across all business sectors. You have to work hard on your marketing to succeed. One of our most recent customers, Belle Dress Hire, has become an overnight success, meeting the needs of local women who want high quality formal dresses without the need of purchasing […]

Cheap marketing for start ups

kaizen print

Starting a business is a mammoth task. We know, we’ve been there ourselves and with customers at every stage of the startup process. We have worked with hairdressers, restaurants, vets and helicopter schools over the years and the skills we have acquired from all the different industries, can most definitely apply to your business. Marketing […]

Starting a Business? Develop your brand

kaizen print

As graphic designers in Belfast, we have had the pleasure of helping to launch hundreds of businesses throughout our careers. From beauty salons to burlesque dancers, we’ve seen it all (obviously not in the case of the burlesque dancers) and our first chat with many of these business people is about their brand and the […]