A printer’s guide to designing effective presentation folders

Presentation is everything when it comes to business. Whether it’s pitching to a prospective client, presenting your products to potential customers, or providing educational or informative documents at an exhibition show, the last thing you want is to leave your audience with a bad first impression.  

Having a nicely designed, high quality, and on-brand presentation folder to hold your important documents can be the difference between looking and feeling the part and leaving your audience cold. After all, you don’t want to be keeping your audience waiting as you fumble through that old Filofax. 

Presentation Folder Printing

Presentation folders are also an ideal leave behind. Unlike a website, an advert on social media, or a pdf sent by email, the advantage you have with a presentation folder is that you are less likely to be ignored. Not only have you smashed your presentation out of the park, but you have left your audience with a rich, beautiful and visible reminder of just how great your message or sales pitch is… That is if you have a smart design and a professional finish to match your outstanding charm and personality! 

So how do you ensure that the design of your presentation folder leaves the right impression? Our award winning in-house design team know exactly how to make you and your message stand out. Here’s a summary of our top tips!  

Your presentation folder should… 

Tell your story 

Say you want to educate or inform your audience in relation to a particular environmental issue that you, or your product or service, is helping to tackle. Your presentation folder is a perfect opportunity to get creative in communicating this message! 

Grab the audience’s attention 

A good presentation folder should strive to stop people in their tracks. While of course, in the real world – where attention spans are short and time is precious – this is easier said than done, an eye-catching design with a sharp message can make all the difference.  

Be short and snappy 

Your presentation folder isn’t the place to communicate your entire message or product portfolio. Rather, a cluttered design can get in the way of the message you are trying to get across, and will be easily ignored or forgotten.  

Be produced with love and attention to detail 

A folder that is breaking at the seams, has a grainy print job, or that has been printed using a flimsy material can really let the side down when it comes to making that great impression you are trying to achieve. 

And that’s where we come in… 

At Kaizen Print we work with clients day in and day out to solve design and branding questions just like this. So if you’re struggling to connect with your customers, or are looking to increase loyalty or awareness of what your business has to offer, our design team are experts at cutting through the noise and making your printed materials do your brand justice. 

You can view some examples of previous work we have done for our amazing clients here.  

You want a supplier that understands you, and how great your message is. At Kaizenprint we know the difference high quality design and print can make to our customer’s sales and marketing efforts. That’s why we work tirelessly to ensure that we provide only the very highest standard of work for each and every one of them.  

If you want more information you can visit our Presentation folder page, or get in touch with us here. Contact our team now on 028 9002 2474.