Raffle Ticket – Part of a Coordinated Marketing Plan

Have you ever not clutched a raffle ticket for dear life in the hopes of winning some prize?  The raffle brings joy to so few and for many, sheer intense anticipation.  However, the raffle is an ideal way to bring together community and to raise the profile of your charity, event, or organisation.  In addition, they really are an easy and quick vehicle for organisations to raise funds.  However, you can make a success of your raffle with a bespoke raffle ticket.  A spectacular design will ensure your charity, event, or organisation is memorable long after the prizes have been given out.

The primary function of the raffle is to raise funds for events, charities or activities.  Mostly they are used by charities and organisations.  However, fundraising is not the sole purpose of the raffle.  In addition, businesses use raffles to give out prizes to employees or clients for Christmas or other company functions.

Raffle Ticket from Kaizen Print
Raffle Ticket from Kaizen Print

A Memorable Raffle Ticket

If you are an organisation holding a raffle annually to raise money, why not go with a professional ticket design that is memorable?  Why limit the discussion and excitement to revolve around your prizes?  You can also build excitement with a considered marketing plan, and therefore, including the raffle ticket. Sure to most a raffle ticket is merely a cut up piece of paper with few details.  However, why not go with a memorable bespoke design?  Keep your cause or organisation in the consumer mind with something unique and potentially cherished.  Hey may even take a photo to share with others.  Anything memorable visually has the potential to go viral.  Therefore, get creative with your ticket design and rise above the clutter.  A viral campaign can only boost your organisations’ profile and draw attention to your cause.  You could potentially turn your raffle into an event for years to come.

Employers can also turn an ordinary giveaway into an anticipated event with an extraordinary ticket design.  An original and unique ticket will show you have put more thought into the raffle rather than purchased a basic strip of paper.  Putting that extra effort into the proceedings can only boost employee morale.  They might not even care if they win the big prize.

Raffle Considerations

There are some things to consider before executing a raffle.

Review Local Laws & Regulations

There are many different rules surrounding the execution of a raffle.  In addition, you may need a permit to hold one.  Ensure you review your local laws and regulations when it comes to holding a raffle.  Surprise rules or laws can have a detrimental effect on the outcome.

Determine Your Goal & Prizes

What is the ultimate goal in holding your raffle?  A charity will hold one to raise money for their cause.  In addition, they may be looking to boost the charity profile and continued attention to their cause.  A business may hold a raffle just to thank employees or clients for a good year.

Once you have determined your goal, devise a plan to achieve it.  Prizes are one big element in achieving our goal and can inspire potential donors to take part.  However, a well-planned executed game plan, including coordinated marketing is integral to your raffle campaign’s success.

Sell the Raffle Ticket

Dazzle potential donors with a consistent visual plan for your raffle event.  Tying in all the marketing elements from posters or flyers through to the raffle ticket will speak volumes of the professionalism of your organisation.

Raffle Tickets at Kaizen Print

At Kaizen Print, raffle tickets are a core part of our business.  Having the ability to print small and large quantities alike puts us in a prime position to help charities and organisations regardless of their size.

Raffle tickets are one of our most popular printing requests.  We have printed countless tickets for organisations in Belfast, Omagh and throughout Northern Ireland.  It’s no wonder raffle tickets are so popular.  They do good work in raising money, profiles and awareness.  In addition, they provide a brief burst of excitement and anticipation.  Therefore, take the time to consider a designed raffle ticket.

Our raffle tickets are printed on an 80gsm uncoated paper stock. As is standard, we perforate and number every individual ticket to keep them secure and prevent fraud.  In addition, you may choose a black and white or a coloured print.  We recommend printing in black and white due to its cost-effectiveness.  However, full colour is a great way to showcase your charity, event or organisation.  In addition, a splash of colour will have a much bigger impact.

Our design team would be happy to assist you in creating a fully bespoke raffle ticket for your fundraising.  However, you can provide your own design and we can print for you.

If you have any special requirements or requests, please let us know prior to placing your order and we will do everything we can to assist you.  Get in touch via our contact form or by calling 028 9002 2474.